

   With effect from the 18th October 2017, UPDATED FEBRUARY 2020, Feb 22, Feb 23 and Feb 24.

1. GENERAL NOTES For the purposes of this policy donations and grants differ only in that a donation is given without the need to be specific about how it is used whereas a grant must be spent specifically for the purpose agreed. For example, a donation may be given to a village hall towards the general running costs without being specific about what it is spent on whereas a grant would be given towards the cost of a specific project such as the installation of a new security system. In reality, most applications under this policy will be defined as a grant and be subject to the following considerations.

The parish council’s aim is to ensure that all our award-making activity is:

· open
· transparent
· fair
· supports local organisations.

Our awards are open to established voluntary or community groups, as well as new or informal groups of parishioners who are or intend by the date of application to become formally constituted.

2. PARISH COUNCIL POWERS and SECTION 137 A parish council has a number of powers granted under various Acts of Parliament which enables it to spend money. Since 2008 the “Power of Wellbeing” and more recently the “General Power of Competence, Localism Act 2011” allow parish councils more flexibility in how they spend money within the local community. In order to use either of these powers, it is necessary that the council has a qualified clerk, and at least two-thirds of the councillors have been elected rather than co-opted or appointed.

Currently, Lambourne Parish Council does not meet these criteria, therefore, all donations and grants fall under the statutory power of Section 137 of the Local Government Act 1972, which permits it to spend up to a certain limit on anything which in the opinion of the council is in the interests of the parish, or any part of it, or is in the interest or all or some of its inhabitants. This amount is limited to a figure per head of the electorate on the electoral roll on 1st January before the commencement of the financial year. The figure is index-linked and for 2023/24 is £9.93 per head. The parish council has no obligation to spend all or any of the money available under S.137.

This money is not ‘gifted’ to the parish council; it forms part of the Precept which the parish council makes on the District Council. The cost of any grants or donations is therefore reflected in residents’ council tax bills.

In accordance with the above, the Council give regular annual donations to a number of organisations that it considers are operating in the interest of the parish, and all or some of its inhabitants. The donation amounts for the above organisations are reviewed each year as part of the budget for the Annual Precept and this will be placed on the Agenda of the forthcoming meeting, which is displayed on the Council Noticeboards and on the website.

Any other organisation or group that fit into the rules of s.137 can apply for a grant from the Council. This request needs to be in writing and will be considered at the next available Council meeting. The Parish Clerk will then inform the organisation of the Council’s decision.

The above meeting will be open to the public and the grant request will be on the Agenda of that meeting allowing any residents to come along and voice their opinion in the Public Consultation that is within each Council meeting.

Each individual case will be considered on its own merits and along with adhering to the rules of s137 there are other factors that the Council will consider. Although there is not a fixed maximum figure for a grant, Lambourne Parish Council has a small precept and no other income, so Councillors have to consider if the request is good value for the Parish and its residents.

HOW TO APPLY Applications should be made in writing. Please apply to the Clerk via the Parish Council email on 

This Policy was resolved on 18th October 2017 by unanimous decision.