Lambourne Parish Council | Abridge and Lambourne

Parish Council


The next Parish Council meeting will be on 14th August 2024 in the Abridge Village Hall at 7.45pm.

There is a 15-minute Public Session at the start of each Parish Council meeting. All are welcome. See MEETINGS for the Agenda.

The Council phone number is 07716 124508

The email is


There is a vacancy for someone who cares about our community to join the Parish Council.

If you think this could be you and would like to talk to someone about the role, please get in touch by email or call 07716124508



The legs on the Multi Play unit in the playground have been replaced, and the unit is now open again.

Lambourne Parish Council serving the communities of Abridge and Lambourne End.

Think of Lambourne School which is situated in Hoe Lane, Abridge, and Lambourne Church, Church Lane, Abridge, which geographically stands right in the middle of the parish. Lambourne Parish is divided into two wards and is represented by 9 councilors, 6 of whom serve the Abridge ward and 3 who serve the Lambourne ward.

The council holds 10 meetings a year in the Abridge Village Hall and 2 meetings a year in the Lambourne Parish Rooms. Details of these meetings can be found on the link above or notice-board below.

The council holds monthly meetings with the first 15 minutes open to the public as a forum to express their views in relation to any community issues and concerns including Planning, Planning Enforcement, Parking, Transport, Highways, Playgrounds and Anti-Social Behaviour etc.

Everyone from both villages are welcome to attend any of our meetings and details of these are displayed on the notice boards of both village halls, in Linkup and on this website.

Emergency notice
New Bus Timetable For Shopper Bus
Click here for full details

Lambourne Neighbourhood Watch

The Parish Council supports the Lambourne Neighbourhood Watch and highly recommends that every resident joins.

Latest Parish News

Play in the Park 2024 Summer Dates


June 2024
Dates for Play in the Park summer 2024

Play in the Park 2024 Summer holiday dates are as follows

Monday 29th July 10.00-12.00

Friday 16th August 13.30-15.30

Tuesday 27th August 13.30-15.30

D-Day 80th Anniversary Celebrations


June 2024
An image of Veteran Vic Walker

D-Day Celebrations

The 80th D-DAY evening on the 6th of June was supported by over 50 people, including 1 veteran Vic Walker who even after having a full day elsewhere came along to watch the lighting of our beacon.

We would like to thank Vic and of course all those who served, without them this could not have happened.

Thank you also to those who came down to the village hall, the Parish council put on a small spread of nibbles and the bar was open.

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